Devlog [270821]

Sindonic - Aug 27th 2021 18:28


- Redesigned the home page


News Changes
- Renamed "changelog" article type to "devlog"
- Added new article type "Announcement" that is visible on the home page



- Changed main header navigation highlighting to no longer highlight the home tab by default if it wasn't able to match the url to any tab

- Changed home page url to and added automatic redirection to it from

- Added a "featured griffian" box to the home page

- Added the calendar to the home page

- Moved news from header navigation to home section sidebar

- Removed calendar from header navigation

- Added "Games" tab to header navigation

- Added "Market" tab to header navigation

- Changed Void Well url to start with "market"

- Changed shop urls to start with "market"

- Changed item transfers url to start with "market"

- Changed Winning flower url to start with "games"

- Changed treasure hunt url to start with "games"

- Changed message center url to start with "user"

- Changed arpg section base url from "game" to "arpg"


Moved Pages
Market Tab 

Eather forge
G Mart
HB Shack
Void well
Ticket booth
OC Transfers
Item Transfers
(and future shops that we make)


Games Tab
Time Loot
Style Prompts
Treasure Hunt
Crafty Corner
Progress game
Winning Flower
Love Raffle


- Added Void Well GC value on the item page that is automaticially taken from void well rate page.

- Added reward list for containers on the item page

- Similar non-stackable items in the user/character inventories now appear stacked


- Added "Name" attribute to masterlist characters. This can be changed by owners and moderators

- Character names are used over "Number - Theme - Species" on the user dashboard and all dropdowns where users select one of their characters

- Character names are automatically removed if the owner changes


Time Activity
- Automated Uber Paper


Item Transfers
- Added filtering to the item selection modal on the item transfers page


- Fixed username disappearing on the user dashboard when edit mode is active if the user has recently changed their username

- Fixed bug where users were able to lock themselves out of their dashboard by changing their username to match existing routes bu changing the dashboard url to "/user/{USERNAME}/dashboard"  You need to insure now you update all your links for games and if you have linked back to the site - those links will be broken now.