Devlog [030821]

Sindonic - Aug 3rd 2021 07:42


Art - H&B Shack icon artwork added to ARPG Tab under market
Rule specification on Love item usage page - Love items must be in user inventory and not character inventory to be used.

Item - Love items & Love Voucher can now be owned by characters. (This item will manually be moved back to a user inventory when the character changes ownership.)

Item - Voucher items can now be owned by characters. (This item will automatically return to a user inventory when the character changes ownership.)

Item - Lure Items can now be owned by Characters.

Item - Gift Items can now be owned by characters. (This item will automatically return to a user inventory when the character changes ownership.)

Item - Beankey and Treasure bean can now be owned by characters.

Item - Loot Crate 2and 4 can now be owned by characters. (This item will automatically return to a user inventory when the character changes ownership.)

Item - Treasure jar can now be owned by characters.  (This item will automatically return to a user inventory when the character changes ownership.)




Trial - rules have been updated and clarified.

Trial - rules have moved to its own page under Rules in the home tab. All Trials link to this rule page instead of having the rules featured on every trial page. Trial specific rules are still featured on the trial pages.

Trial - The Trial approval comment has moved back into the Trial pages.

Navigation - Pages with that link back to index/Hub pages, no longer opens in a new window

Navigation - All Activity pages listed under ARPG now open

Navigation - All Lore pages now go back to the Lore Tab  Index

Navigation - All Activity pages now go back to the ARPG Tab Index

Navigation - All System pages now go back to the System Tab Index

Navigation - All Lore pages now go back to the Lore Tab index

Navigation - All Griffolk pages now go back to the Griffolk index

Navigation - All Trial pages now go back to the Trial Hub index

Page- Mascot Creation has moved from Lore Tab to ARPG Tab- Now featured on sidebar under approvals 

Page- Dye  Usage has moved from Systems Tab to ARPG Tab - Now featured on sidebar under approvals

Page- Love Item Approval is now featured on sidebar under approvals ARPG tab
Page- Open Species Approval is now featured on sidebar under approvals in the ARPG tab

Page- CYO is now featured on sidebar under Festivities


Removed the Atomated information from the ARPG tab and placed them temporarily into Systems



All ARPG links with /game/ in them are currently broken on the ARPG Tab and will be patched in the next update. (Use the side bar to find these pages instead until we fix this bug)

- Winning Flower

- Treausre Hunt

- Voidwell

- Item Transfer/Trading

- Gmart

- H&B shack